CBD is one of the biggest sensations in the wellness and complimentary health industries, and as studies continue into its therapeutic efficacy, it may be only a matter of time before it’s adopted by the medical mainstream with similar enthusiasm.
It’s not just in the usual ‘wellness’ market that CBD products have found their fans. CBD oil, teas and creams have been enthusiastically embraced by the athletics community with specialist brands like fourfive springing up not merely to serve sports-men and -women but actually founded and run by them, which is quite an endorsement for the effectiveness of CBD!
Looking at why CBD has such a pull for the athletic community might help to answer questions you may have about whether it’s a good choice for you.
It’s important to note that authoritative claims about the therapeutic effects of CBD are not currently available. Studies are ongoing, but they’re in their early stages and doctors are not yet speak with certainty about exactly what CBD can do for people. What is available is a report from the World Health Organisation which found no potential for CBD to form addictive pathways in the brain. This is the foundation that let CBD preparations that are low in THC (the psychoactive component in cannabis) become widely available.
There are some studies that show CBD could be effective as an anti-inflammatory. This is one the key things that could make it valuable to athletes, professional or otherwise, as well as people suffering from arthritis. Sports comes with the potential for injury, for bruises and muscle strains. Reducing inflammation is an important part of getting back on your feet and back on the pitch or in training.
CBD is also reported to have mood effects that some say could rival clinical anti-depressants (while lacking some of their more unsettling side effects). This is another field of interest for modern athletes: the sporting world requires the ability to face disappointment and triumph evenly, and take a loss as a motivation to commit to training rather than a severe shock. Anything that promises a boost to that level of wellness, even if it’s just help sleeping could give the athlete a vital advantage.
CBD products are available as oils and pills that can be taken directly for a fast effect and incorporated easily into an exists regime with other medications and supplements, or as edibles and teas. This allows you to build a dose into your day in the way that best suits you, and boost your sense of wellness and athletic career at the same time.
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