If you’re like most people, you likely find yourself driving a bit over the speed limit on occasion. Depending on your personality and where in the world you live, your attitude toward obeying the speed limit might range anywhere from staying a few miles below the marked speed signs to going upwards of 10 miles per hour over the posted limit on a very regular basis.
But despite how innocuous you might think speeding is, this is one of the most dangerous things you can do in your car. In addition to this, there are also plenty of other negative ramifications that could befall you all because you’re driving over the speed limit.
So to help you see why you should start breaking this bad habit, here are three reasons to curb your habit of speeding while driving.
Increase Safety On The Road
When you’re driving over the posted speed limit, you’re putting both yourself and others at risk of being hurt on the road as a result of a car accident. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, car accidents commonly happen when someone is speeding because they can more easily lose control of their vehicle, they need more time to stop or react to the traffic around them, and the safety equipment in their car becomes less effective at high speeds.
To keep these things from happening to you while you’re behind the wheel, you may want to rethink speeding during the next trip you take in your car.
Reduce Your Chances Of Getting A Ticket
Although you might feel that you’re safely able to drive a few miles per hour over the speed limit without being in any real danger, the fact of the matter is that driving over the speed limit is against the law.
While most people can get away with being a few miles over the speed limit without getting pulled over or getting a speeding ticket, if you’re going over the speed limit at all, there’s always a chance that you could get a speeding ticket.
According to Patrick E. George, a contributor to HowStuffWorks.com, the average cost of a speeding ticket is about $150. However, if you’re speeding excessively, speeding tickets can easily exceed $300. And since one in six Americans get a speeding ticket each year, you could wind up saving yourself a lot of money by simply laying off the gas medal a bit.
Know That It Doesn’t Really Save You Time
One big reason people use to justify speeding is that they’re running late or need to get somewhere on time. However, according to Eric Ravenscroft, a contributor to LifeHacker.com, all the time you assume you’ll gain by speeding will likely be lost in time spent in traffic, meaning that speeding doesn’t actually save you any time at all.
If you’ve gotten into the bad habit of speeding whenever you’re driving, consider how the information presented above can change your perception on the benefits of speeding and encourage you to stop doing this in the future.
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