Have you tried to examine your feet lately? Do you notice any unusual change in their appearance? What about your nails? Are they looking healthy? Did you know that millions of people worldwide are suffering from nail fungus, but they are not aware of this condition and how to treat it?
Nail fungus or otherwise known as onychomycosis is a common problem that starts as a small whitish or yellowish spot at the tip of your nails. It can spread to other parts of your feet if left unattended, that is why it is essential to look for the appropriate treatment for fungal nail infection before it becomes worse. Once the infection spreads between the toes, it turns into athlete’s foot.
What are the common signs and symptoms of nail fungus?
Nail fungus may seem to be a common problem; however, if you do not treat it as soon as you notice it, the problem can worsen, making it more challenging to treat. Here are some of the most common symptoms to look for:
- The thickness of the nails
- Yellow to brownish colour
- Brittleness
- Bumpy shape due to fungal growth underneath
- Sometimes smelly
- Itchy and watery nail bed
What causes nail fungus?
Certain types of fungi and microorganisms can cause damage to the nails. Some of the most common are dermatophytes, mould and also yeast. Everyone can get infected with this condition, but older people are more prone to have it. That is why proper treatment should be given as soon as possible.
How do you get nail fungus?
Nail fungus usually starts with a small crack in the nail. The fungus infects the healthy nail until it slowly becomes brittle and discoloured. People who have poor blood circulation in their lower limbs are more prone to getting this condition. Before the problem fully develops into a nail fungus, it usually starts first with athlete’s foot.
Who is at risk of getting nail fungus?
- People who have poor blood flow in their lower extremities.
- People who have diabetes.
- Those who have sweaty and smelly feet.
- People who love walking around barefoot, especially in wet and damp areas.
- Those who have psoriasis.
What are the preventive measures against nail fungi?
- Keep both of your hands and feet clean at all times. Use an antibacterial soap when cleaning these areas.
- Avoid leaving your skin dry. Always apply moisturizer on affected areas to keep skin soft and supple.
- Wear the right kind of footwear that allow your feet to breathe.
- Apply a generous amount of foot powder in between your toes to prevent moisture built up.
- Never share your nail cleaning tools with other people.
Lastly, it is essential to seek professional help right away for better treatment options. Nail fungus takes time to treat so you will be given several creams or ointments to treat the primary source of the mushrooms. Never attempt to self medicate because the problem may get worse.
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