The majority of people have very tight schedules, which is understandable. With a day job, family, and social life to attend to, there is hardly any time left to give to other things. However, if you have some goals that you desire to achieve, you must determine how they will fit into your hectic schedule, which also applies when it comes to body fitness. You do not have to do a total makeover of your lifestyle to achieve your health and fitness goals. The undeniable fact is that you can accomplish your goals even when you are super busy. You need to put in some thought to your diet, workouts, and rest. You can also check out some beneficial steroids, such as deca, to supplement your efforts in staying healthy and fit.
Do you wish to get fit even with a busy schedule? Here are four tips that will help you to achieve this goal:
You can reduce your body fat and body weight by practicing intermittent fasting. Due to its simplicity, this method has become the go-to strategy for busy people who want to become lean in a short period of time. Among the many fasting methods, you can go for the 16/8 plan that is recommended for people with hectic schedules. You are supposed to fast for 16 hours and eat for an 8-hour duration—2 to 3 meals that you can eat between 1pm and 9pm is ideal. The best thing about this strategy is that it does away with breakfast, which would be a great thing for those who have a tight schedule. Fasting is such a suitable method because it:
Reduces insulin– Insulin is a hormone that promotes fat storage. When you eat throughout the day, your insulin level increases and remains high. When you fast, the level of insulin decreases and your body breaks down fat.
Reduces calories– With one less meal, you will be eating less food in a day. Reduced food translates to fewer calories and a lower body weight.
When reducing the total amount of food, you need to be aware of consuming real food that is well balanced, such as proteins, vegetables and fruits, carbohydrates, and healthy fats.
You need an exercise program that is not too long since you are so busy. Density circuits are the best suited for you.They involve training based on a prearranged set of exercises (mostly between 4 and 6) in as many rounds as you can in a specific duration (say for 10-20 minutes) without taking a rest, except when needed. You should aim each week to do more circuits than the previous one. A template for a complete density circuit can be the following:
- Lower body workout
- Upper body pull exercise
- Upper body push exercise
- Abdominal exercise
- Cardio exercise
You should do the circuits as many times as you can in 10-20 minutes and strive to get better with each week by doing more rounds.
Stress management
With busy schedules comes stress. Stress causes the level of the hormone called cortisol to go up. The continuous rise in the level of cortisol can cause weight gain due to impaired fat breakdown and less lean muscle, thus fewer calories break down all day. The most effective way to deal with stress is through sleep. The recommended sleep is 7-9 hours for an adult, but a typical American gets an average of 6.8 hours, which is unhealthy. Besides reducing stress, sleep has many other benefits, such as:
- Decreased food cravings
- Being energized the next day
- Helping with weight loss
To get a good sleep, you can do the following:
Set a bed-time This will ensure that you put aside anything that you are doing and go to bed. You need to make sure the bedtime is 7-9 hours before your planned waking time.
Turn off lights and electronics– Light and electronics interfere with the release of melatonin, which is crucial for a great sleep.You should have your room as dark as possible as you sleep.
You can only achieve a goal if you are consistently doing what it entails to accomplish the goal. You must avoid quick fixes and instant gratification when it comes to fitness. Achieving fitness calls for commitment, focus, and persistence in working towards what you desire. The following methods can help if you have had issues with consistency:
Come up with realistic goals with deadlines– Set attainable goals with a deadline to motivate yourself.
Have in mind why the goal is important to you– When you have a “why” behind your goal, it will keep you going, even during tough days. Perhaps you want to set a good example for your kids. Whatever the reason, it will keep you on track.
Think positively– If you constantly think that there is no way you will ever accomplish your goal, then you most likely will not. Be easy on yourself, forgive yourself when you do not stick to your diet, and aim to do better going forward.
The above four tips will help you enhance your health and fitness while still managing a busy schedule.
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