CBD and THC-based medication have gained sudden popularity over the last couple of years as medicinal marijuana legalization statistics rise. Cannabis-based medicines come in many forms, one of which is tinctures. CBD and THC tinctures have distinct medical properties that are effective against multiple physical ailments such as pain and sleeplessness.
If you’re looking for an alternative to pharmaceutical drugs, then THC and CBD medication might be just the thing for you. If you’re new to cannabis-based medications, this article will give you a basic rundown of CBD and THC tinctures, the difference between them, as well as the recommended dosage and usage.
Typical Tinctures
Tinctures have been around for thousands of years as a form of herbal medicine in many places worldwide. They’re plant-based mixtures infused with alcohol, vinegar, and oils serving as the tincture solution’s base. The efficacy of tinctures is not based on anecdotal claims, but proven scientific research highlighting their health benefits.
The basic premise of tinctures is that the alcohol or vinegar base draws out the plants’ medicinal properties, resulting in quick and effective results. Tinctures are usually taken with droppers to ensure measured consumption since excessive consumption of tinctures also has side effects. Some of the most common and popular tinctures include the following:
- Tincture of Iodine
- Tincture of Arnica
- Tincture of Benzoin
- Tincture of Turmeric
- Tincture of Elderberry
Each of them offers a different remedy for various health-related issues that are effective for both long and short term treatments.
CBD vs. THC Tinctures
While both CBD and THC-based tinctures are cannabis-based, they have specific application and efficiency differences. Although very similar in chemical structure, CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) react in the human body differently. As a result, their dosage and medicinal applications are distinct from one another.
THC is the psychoactive element responsible for the ‘high’ of the cannabis and results in drowsiness and muscle relaxation. The main ingredients of THC tincture are alcohol, raw cannabis flowers, and honey (optional). The final product has a thick jelly-like look to it. Due to the relaxing mental state they produce, THC tinctures are very useful for the following common ailments:
- Sprains
- Muscle-spasms
- Insomnia
- Glaucoma
- Low appetite
Excessive use might lead to some side effects, such as:
- Problems with physical coordination
- Memory loss
- Dry mouth
On the other hand, CBD does not produce the same high as THC despite being extracted from the same source. The main ingredients for most CBD tinctures include alcohol, mint, and peppermint oil. Some manufacturers use cinnamon oil instead of peppermint during preparation. CBD tinctures are very useful for the following types of ailments:
- Inflammation
- Anxiety
- Mental disorders
- Migraine
- Seizures
Excessive use might lead to some side effects, such as:
- Fatigue
- Dizzyness
- Diarrhea
If you’re interested in buying weed tinctures from Canadian dispensaries, you need to know the laws before purchasing. You can only buy cannabis-based medications from the handful of government-approved vendors who offer their wares both online and offline.
Tincture Usage and Dosage
Tinctures are dense plant-based alcohol concentrations, which make them highly potent even in small doses. There aren’t any standard recommended dosages for CBD and THC tinctures since the consumption amount and frequency depends on the patient’s condition. This is precisely why you need to get a doctor’s prescription before ordering online or visiting your nearest cannabis dispensary.
Using droppers is the most common way to consume tinctures. All you have to do is place the dosage under your tongue and wait for a few minutes for it to get absorbed on its own. But that’s not the only way to take them; you can mix CBD and THC tinctures with food and drinks as well to make them go down easily, as well as vape them.
CBD/THC oils and tinctures’ main difference is the mix’s base—one is alcoholic while the other is oil-based. But CBD/THC tinctures are more effective since the alcoholic base is better at drawing out the medicinal properties of cannabis and other ingredients used compared to CBD/THC oils. Also, tinctures have better bioavailability compared to other CBD/THC-based therapeutic solutions.
Say Goodbye to Pharmaceutical Drugs
Unlike pharmaceutical drugs, which have strong long and short-term side effects, THC/CBD-based tinctures don’t harm your body in the long run. So if you’re looking for alternative natural medications, then they’re the right fit for you. Now that you have a basic understanding of CBD and THC tinctures, you should have an easy time figuring out which one will be right for you.
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