Finding yourself two, three, four, or even five days past your due date can be frustrating. You are likely ready to pop and over being pregnant. After all, it’s already been 40 weeks of this! You’re ready to get your pre-baby body back and get back to life!
The good news is that there are some natural solutions out there which can help speed up the labor process. Yes, that’s right. Without the help of drugs, you can hopefully induce your labor. Here are some of the most common methods out there.
This may come as great news to some couples. That’s right; it’s time to hop in bed and get busy. Some research points towards semen being a naturally inducing substance. While others believe that sex will start encouraging your cervix to soften and get you ready for labor.
Additionally, sex releases the hormone oxytocin, which encourages contractions. So, before you try anything, consider getting cozy with your one and only.
Spicy Food
While there is no scientific evidence to suggest this, many women swear by the effectiveness of spice inducing labor.
There may be a connection with spice stimulating the digestive system which in turn, activates contractions. Hey, might as well try it out! Especially if you love spicy food.
Nipple Stimulation
Stimulating the nipples, as if it were a baby suckling, can active labor. When the nipples are activated, oxytocin is released, and contractions may start to begin,
While it’s not a guaranteed result every time, it can certainly increase your chances of inducing labor. So begin the stimulation!
Castor Oil
Castor oil is an old trick which has been used for centuries. Castor oil breaks down in the intestine in a way which releases ricinoleic acid. This acid activates your prostaglandin receptors and in turn, activates labor.
It’s important to know, however, before you start chugging castor oil, that it can have a laxative effect. The last thing that you probably want is to have diarrhea during labor, so it is often unadvised by doctors for everyone’s sake.
Some believe that points of stimulation on the body can induce labor. While there is no direct scientific evidence to support this, some people swear by the power of a pressure point massage to kick labor into gear.
At the very least, it’s a great excuse to go and get a massage – or a few! Ancient Egyptians drank castor oil, ancient Chinese employed tiny needles. Although this technique remains widely popular even in Western culture, the exact mechanism for how it may work remains murky at best.
Going for a brisk walk has shown to be effective for lots of women hoping to get their labor started. Getting the heart rate up and body moving may just be the thing that gets your contractions going.
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