Anxiety can be a consistent struggle for many people. It can take over every area of your life, leaving you feeling helpless. However, anxiety doesn’t have to overwhelm you, and you don’t have to let it rule your life.
Although it may take a considerable amount of work on your part, with enough dedication, you can deal with anxiety without the help of drugs. Anxiety medications are not a long term solution and have a negative impact on your overall health.
Here are some of the most effective ways that you may be able to relieve anxiety the natural way.
Anxiety can often be a manifestation of over-thinking things. Your thoughts may get trapped in a negative cycle which snowball into a panic attack. In order to keep anxiety from overpowering you, you should keep your mind occupied.
One of the best ways to keep your mind occupied is through an activity of self-expression. You may want to consider learning to play the piano or taking up a painting class.
When all of your pent up anxiety has nowhere to go, then, it will start to bottle up, and eventually explode. Taking on a self-expressive activity is an opportunity to harness your tension and transform it into something creative.
Another fantastic way to transform the built-up tension that you feel inside is to get it out physically. Running or getting in another form of cardio exercise can exhaust your body and loosen it up. It may take several sessions to start seeing the benefits; however, over time, you’ll find that you may begin craving exercise as a form of relief.
When your heart rate rises to a certain level, your body is filled with endorphins. You may even experience a “high” leaving you feeling euphoric.
Deep Breathing
Deep breathing exercises are one of the most common methods to bring someone down from an upset state of mind.
If your anxiety starts to get particularly bad, deep breathing will bring your heart rate down. In addition, you will begin to focus your thoughts on your breath rather than your worries. By taking your thoughts away from your anxiety and putting it on your breathing, you’re taking control of your body.
Support Groups
Sometimes the greatest help is knowing that you’re not alone. Speaking to others who have the same challenges as you can be a comfort.
A support group is an excellent opportunity to share your experiences and offer a helping hand. Knowing you’re not the only one who struggles with fear and anxiety can be very healing.
Avoid Substances
When you’re someone who is prone to stress and anxiety, it’s a good idea to steer clear of mind-altering substances like recreational drugs and alcohol. You may feel temporarily relaxed while under the influence; however, when the substances leave your body, you’re much worse than before.
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