The age-old proverb, “A stitch in time saves nine” rings true in the case of bed bugs infestation and for many more reasons than one. The primary reason for finding bed bugs early relates to curbing them in their nascent stage itself. Once the small nymphs transform into full-sized adults, it becomes difficult to trap and eliminate them without costly professional help. In case you’re suspecting bed bugs in your living space or vicinity, then it’s important to eliminate them at the earliest. Arrest the growth and spread of bed bugs by treating them in their minor stage itself.
While the task of calling in a pest control company can be cumbersome and expensive, it’s important at this stage itself. Any delay in contacting experts in bed begs elimination can add to your woes. In case the infestation spreads, you may have to suffer irreversible damages and a higher monetary outflow to curtail the problem on hand. An important step in the direction of getting bed bugs infestation under control lies in knowing the signs of their presence in your environment. Once you know where they’re hiding, or how they’re inhabiting your space, you’ll find the task of eliminating them quite easy. Here are some helpful ways of finding out about the hiding places of bed bugs at home, office, or any other place that matters to you.
Infestations of Bed Bugs – First Look
The identification of bed bugs is the first positive step in the direction of eliminating them from your environment. Remember, low-level infestations can be quite challenging to trace and correctly identify. You may have carpet beetles beneath your mattress which can be mistaken for bed bugs.
The more time you take to identify bed bugs, the more opportunities you give these pests to multiply and spread over other spaces. For instance, you may start finding bed bugs in unwarranted places on your premises. The bed bugs in your area may hitchhike a ride to your friend’s or neighbor’s house to start an altogether new infestation. Jordan Larson of Custom Bed Bug suggests checking your children’s backpacks for signs of bed bugs, as they are sometimes found in elementary schools. Given that bed bugs take very little time to multiply and grow, it’s critical to eliminate them in the earliest stages of their detection.
Skin Bites
You cannot rely on tell-tale skin bites to provide conclusive evidence of bed bug infestation. This is because the bites attributed to bed bugs is quite similar to the ones inflicted by other insects such as chiggers or mosquitoes, hives, etc. The rashes caused due to fungal infections or eczema are similar to bed bug bites and can be easily mistaken for the same. Another interesting point related to bed bug infestation is that there are many people who don’t react to their bites in any way. So, even though the bed bugs exist in the same space as that occupied by them, they would not be able to tell because there are no reactions to their bites.
How to Identify Bed Bug Infestation?
There are several physical signs and symptoms of bed bugs that give them away. When changing the bedding, cleaning your rooms, or while staying away at times, you may look for these physical signals from bed bugs.
- Reddish or rusty stains found on mattresses or bed sheets; these stains are caused by the bed bugs getting crushed.
- Dark spots that may be the excrement or blood of bed bugs. These spots can be found on the fabric as if left behind by a marker.
- Search for eggshells and eggs that are about 1 mm in size. Also, keep a watch for the pale-yellow skins shed by nymphs when they start growing bigger.
- The presence of live bed bugs is the biggest sign of their presence in your residential or commercial space.
Hiding Places of Bed Bugs
If you are sure of bed bugs inhabiting your space then you’ll get to see skin castings, adults, feces, eggs, etc. frequently. They are generally found in the vicinity of their hosts or other food sources. Given this, it’s common to find bed bugs hiding near beds, in living rooms, on the carpet and curtains, inside pillows and cushions, and so forth. When they have had enough to eat and are tired of feeding, you’ll find the bed bugs concealed in many different places. Apart from the siding and frame of your bed, you can trace them near the piping, in the seams and tags of the box spring or mattress, within the cracks of floors and furniture pieces, etc. The smallest of spaces in the headboard or the corners of your bed may harbor bed bugs. Therefore, it’s important to look around carefully to trigger their elimination process seamlessly.
In case the bed bug infestation has spread widely and is heavy, then the pests can be found in many more places along with the ones mentioned above. You can find their hiding places between cushions, in the seams of couches and chairs, in drapes and folds of curtains, and so forth. The bed bugs can also be found in the joints of drawers, in electrical appliances and receptacles, under wall hangings and loose wallpaper, in the meeting point of the ceiling and walls, and even in the heads of screws!
Since bed bugs are very small in size and almost the width of a debit or credit card, they can find their way into the smallest of hiding places. Remember, if you have a crack in which your credit card can slide in, so will bed bugs.
Bed Bugs Elimination Companies
It is important to contact the pest elimination company of your choice to stop the spread of bed bugs. By taking timely and appropriate measures, you’ll be able to get rid of the menace without trying too hard. Professionally trained bed bug exterminators can get you instant relief by keeping these blood-sucking pests at bay. Start the process by contacting an experienced bed bug control company today.
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