How often has it happened that you have handed over your business card with a big hope of getting back a call or some business opportunity but ended up empty-handed? Well, it’s not just you who has faced this situation. Let’s admit most of us at some given point of time have been disappointed for not getting back a call or an email from clients we expected.
Have you ever thought of what could be the possible reason? Were you not good enough to communicate your ideas or your message wasn’t clear enough. Not really. We all know that at every conference we visit or many professionals approach every client we meet. Now a few of them might have brilliant ideas while a few would be average. But two things that are common in both the categories are all of them leave behind a plan and a business card. Now that’s the catch. In the sea of hundreds of business cards being exchanged every day, isn’t it expecting a bit too much from a client to remember you without much to differentiate you with an essential marketing tool that you leave behind? Yes, however compact or tiny your business card might be, but that is the first marketing tool you share to create a distinctive impression on your clients.
But how do you do that? After all, a business card is a small piece of paper with nothing more than some crucial yet straightforward information.
Be a tad bit unconventional
So while you are right that a business card doesn’t have much scope to put any elaborate information yet, you must be surprised to realize that you must not have considered it. The orientation of your business card. A simple orientation can change how it creates an impact and be a game-changer, differentiating you from the competition.
Now you must be wondering how a business card orientation can truly impact customer impression?
You must have seen but hardly given it a thought that most of these cards you receive are 90% horizontal, and only 10% are vertical. Have you ever wondered why? The answer is simple. Horizontal is conventional.
This is the point where you have to go off the beaten path. You must be thinking, or I would rather say overthinking that vertical business cards must not be good enough, and that’s why people opt for the horizontal ones. But this is not the case.
We often end up with printers showing us the same run-of-the-mill card samples, and we unknowingly end up choosing one from those tried and tested options. We take our business cards as a pretty design rather than considering it as a serious marketing tool. This is where we make a mistake. But the 10% who give a thought over it know its importance and its impact on the clients. That is why they end up choosing the vertical business cards that are unconventional, so they immediately grab attention and create a lasting impression.
While discussing these business card vendors, I realized if you are planning to redo your card or are a first-timer, visit the website of Basic Invite. It’s a fantastic website that I came across, where you can design your cards. No, you don’t need to be a designer to do so. They have amazing design tools that let you customize your cards with a free hand to choose your preferred color combination, design element, font style, and text. And the best part is you get to print your personalized business cards at a cost next to nothing. Just imagine no more crossing those narrow lanes of printing houses. Sit at home, design your personalized card with a few clicks and get them delivered at your address that too at such a reasonable price. Oh well, I think I just got carried away. But seriously, take a look at the website. They also have some incredible vertical business card designs that might explain why they are highly recommended and incredibly impactful. In the process, you might even end up getting precisely what you are looking for.
Vertical business cards and their key advantages
Here are the top five reasons that will surely help you make up your mind to think differently and go unconventionally.
Be Different
Vertical Business cards are unconventional, and so they surely will stand out. So let’s understand it this way. Remember, in school days, kids having birthdays were allowed to come to school in casuals. That made them stand out, and everyone instantly noticed that kid. Similarly, when in a pool of conventional horizontal cards, you handover a vertical one, it will command a second look from your client. And that’s it; your purpose is solved as you have grabbed your client’s attention.
The Edge Over Others
Vertical business cards can differentiate you from your competitors with horizontal cards. Professionals from every walk of life strive hard to be perceived as being better than the others. And to achieve this, they try all the possible means to be different from what is called ‘common’. Because if you are common, you are easily forgotten. The same is the case with your business cards. They all have the same orientation, same kind of white or similar subtle colors, information, and design style. And amid all these similarities, you come up with a distinguishing factor, a vertical business card.
Being Eccentric Can Be Rewarding
Humans are ignorant of our habits and natural behavior that we often fail to observe simple nuances hidden in them. Humans have a basic habit of getting used to it. That is the way your brain functions. I am trying to say that when I am going through a bundle of hundred business cards, mostly horizontal, suddenly, a vertical business card will break that monotony of taking a look at these cards. We immediately recognize it as different and invest more time to take a look at it than usual.
Recreating The Impact
Being new and unique, your vertical business card is sure to attract your client’s attention. But can that also create opportunities for you? Well yes, while your first impression impresses your client, recreating the impact might get you lucky.
People often stock all the business cards in a card clip to flip them over to take a look. Now here, your card will demand special attention as it has to be pulled out to go through the complete information.
While some may argue that it can inconvenience the client, the other way to look at it is clients never flip through business cards in a hurry. Instead, they take a look at them only when they have enough time, as in the process, they shortlist their prospective business associates. So you never know, going vertical might get you a potential client.
Anything New Always Seeks Attention
Vertical business cards can attract clients looking for something new and unique. As they say, like-minded people always get along. Even clients are continually searching for people who can share ideas or products and services that are different and give their business an upper hand. So, when you present your vertical business card to such clients, you have already hit the bull’s eye. As your small marketing tool would clearly state an unconventional approach towards the most common things. This is enough to impress the client and give them a fair idea of what they could derive from the future association.
So, all set to go vertical. Good idea. But don’t order your card until you check out the options available online, where you will discover some great vertical business card designs at the best price.
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